Omar Aburaya Represents Egypt as a Young Negotiator at COP29 in Azerbaijan

Omar Abu Riya, a Business Informatics student at Egypt University of Informatics (EUI), participated as part of the Egyptian Youth Negotiators Delegation members of the National Youth and Climate Committee. This delegation was the official Egyptian team that participated in the COP29 Climate Conference, held in Baku, Azerbaijan.
This marked the second consecutive participation for Egypt with the youth negotiation delegation, which was part of the official negotiating team led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in coordination with the Ministry of Environment, and partnership with the United Nations in Egypt.
EUI's University Board congratulated Omar on being officially selected by the state to participate in the official youth negotiators' delegation at COP29.
Prof. Reem Bahgat, EUI's President, expressed her happiness with the selection of Omar Abu Riya by the National Youth and Climate Committee to join Egypt’s official youth negotiators' delegation at the COP29 climate summit. She noted that this selection reflected the university’s commitment to developing its students' abilities across various fields, including the environment and climate, and encouraging them to adopt initiatives that supported Egypt's efforts in this regard.
Prof. Ahmed Hamad, EUI's Vice President of Academic Affairs, emphasized that the state placed great importance on empowering youth to participate with effective ideas and actions to combat climate change, find innovative solutions to climate change issues, and develop students' skills by linking them to science and policy formulation, preparing them to lead the future.
Prof. Hamad explained that student participation in these events offered them a unique opportunity to engage deeply in COP29 negotiations, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the vital role they played in shaping their environmental and climate future.