IEEE EUI SB Achieves Global Excellence with 3 Prestigious Awards

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest modern technology organization, announced that Egypt University of Informatics (EUI) has won three awards for 2024. Dr. Mohamed Ismail, Assistant Professor of Physics and Engineering Mathematics at the Faculty of Engineering, EUI, received the award for Best Student Branch Counselor and Chapter Advisor.
EUI also won the Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award and the Darrel Chong Student Activity Award for organizing the North Africa Students and Young Professionals (NASYP) Conference. These three awards were part of a competition within IEEE Region 8, which includes 59 countries spanning North Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.
Prof. Reem Bahgat, President of Egypt University of Informatics, expressed her happiness with these achievements, emphasizing that they are the fruits of the efforts of the university's students and faculty. She highlighted the participation of EUI members in various academic forums to exchange expertise and collaborate with academics and specialists in IT, engineering, and computing from leading global and regional universities. She also reiterated EUI’s commitment to aligning with the latest research and developments to address the needs of industrial and technological communities.
Prof. Bahgat further stressed that EUI is dedicated to fostering a culture of innovation and developing solutions to future challenges in the tech sector among its faculty and students. This aligns with the objectives of Egypt’s "New Republic," which aims to cultivate a new generation of specialists in information and communication technology.
Dr. Mohamed Ismail commented that receiving the award for Best Student Branch Counselor reflects the capabilities and potential of EUI in the ICT field, as well as the trust placed in it by professionals in Egypt and abroad. He added that the award also showcases the collaborative spirit of the IEEE EUI Student Branch team and their efforts to keep pace with rapid global technological advancements.
Dr. Ismail praised the IEEE Egypt Section and the NASYP Egypt team, especially Prof. Reem Bahgat, President of EUI, and Prof. Amr El-Masry, Vice President of Matrouh University and former Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at EUI, for their continuous support and encouragement of IEEE EUI's creative members. He emphasized that this collective success turned their dreams into reality. He also highlighted that collaboration with IEEE offers a vital opportunity for Egyptian academics and researchers to stay updated with the latest advancements in various engineering fields, particularly telecommunications.
It is noteworthy that Egypt University of Informatics hosted the NASYP Conference last year under the theme “Engineering Technology and Its Role in Serving Humanity, University-Industry Collaboration for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals, and Building Volunteer Capacities Among Youth.”
The IEEE is the world’s largest professional technical organization, with over 460,000 technology and engineering specialists from 160 countries. Its mission is to advance technology for humanity by publishing research in scientific journals, organizing conferences, adhering to technological standards, and promoting professional and educational activities.