Acceptance of seven students at the UMN CS program

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Acceptance of seven students at the UMN CS program


Highlighting more success from EUI's Faculty of Computing and Information Sciences, seven students have been accepted into the Computer Science Program at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities (UMN) through the Dual Degree agreement between EUI and UMN. Those students excelled in their blended course during the Fall 2023 semester, achieving a Term GPA of 4.0 and earning an A in the graduate-level database course.

Professor Hoda Mokhtar, the Dean of the Faculty of Computing and Information Sciences, conveyed her joy and pride in the remarkable achievements of the students. She emphasized that these accomplishments highlight the elevated academic benchmarks of EUI-CIS students and reaffirm EUI's ongoing commitment to empowering students from their first year of study onward.

Established by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt University of Informatics is one of the first specialized universities in the Middle East and Africa in Communications, Information Technology, and related areas. It operates within the Knowledge City to offer specialized educational programs, including faculties in Computing and Information Sciences, Engineering, Business Informatics, and Digital Arts and Design, encompassing 16 educational programs to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving ICT sector, such as artificial intelligence, data science, electronics engineering, mechatronics engineering, business analytics, digital marketing, e-commerce, animation, user experience, and electronic game design.