Prof. Ahmed Hassan

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Ahmed HAssan

Prof. Ahmed Hassan

Vice President for Academic Affairs

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Prof. Ahmed Hassan Yousef was appointed Vice President for academic affairs at Egypt University of Informatics in February 2023. He has been a Computer Engineering Full-time Professor since 2017. Prof. Ahmed was the Dean of the Information Technology and Computer Science school at Nile University from 2018 to 2023. He worked as a professor at the Department of Computers and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. He was the director of the Electronic and Knowledge Services Center during his service in the Supreme Council of Universities from 2014 - 2018.

He joined the information and communication technology project (ICTP), Ministry of Higher Education, from 2008 to 2014 as the managing director after being the deputy director. He was the Founder and the Managing Director of TOP IT Company from 2000-2008, working with several Multinational projects. As an IEEE volunteer, he served as the secretary of the Egyptian section between 2012 and 2015, the vice chair from 2016-2019, and the chair between 2020-2023. He was the host section chair of the Region 8 meeting in Cairo in October 2022.

On the regional level, he served as a member of the section vitality and development subcommittee 2022-2023, the ad-hoc committee of crisis management 2022, and the Africon conference steering committee 2023. He is the Africa area coordinator of the IEEE computer society.

On the national level, Ahmed Hassan Yousef worked on developing Egypt's strategy for sustainable development with the Ministry of Planning and USAID in 2018-2019. He also held the position as the chair of the National Committee of Information and Communication Technology in the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology between 2022 and 2025 and with the Information Technology subcommittee of the national committee of ALECSO, ISESCO and UNESCO during 2021-2023



As for his academic publications, he has published more than 75 papers in international conferences and journals. His research interest includes software engineering, parallel algorithms, and data mining. Prof. Hassan is a reviewer in several journal and conference publications, including IEEE conferences. He served as Ain Shams Engineering journal's editor and a technical program committee member. He chaired several conferences, including the Model and Data Engineering Conference, MEDI 2022.