ieee computer society

Efficacy of Virtual Reality Distraction for Reducing Chronic Pain

Prof. Hala Zayed

Prof. Hala Zayed

A research paper by Dr. Hala Zayed, affiliated with Egypt University of Informatics (EUI), has been indexed in Scopus.

The paper, titled “Efficacy of Virtual Reality Distraction for Reducing Chronic Pain,” investigates the use of virtual reality as an innovative tool to alleviate chronic pain through distraction techniques. It was presented at the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2024) and published in the conference proceedings by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

This achievement underscores the significant contributions being made by researchers at EUI in advancing technology-driven solutions to real-world challenges. Dr. Zayed’s work stands as a testament to the university’s dedication to impactful and interdisciplinary research.

Dr. Hala Zayed’s paper not only highlights the potential of virtual reality in healthcare but also reinforces EUI’s position as a hub for cutting-edge innovation and academic excellence. Read more